Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Mission Done

Mission Done

We’ve been to India – that’s what I said
All the way to India the choir was led.

At first it seemed an impossible task
The amount of money for which to ask
But the funds came in, we got the lot
With God’s help and yours, we filled our pot.

And now we’re back from our India mission
With memories galore of our fulfilled vision.
The wonderful welcome we received and more
With garlands, gifts and food galore.

We sang in churches, inside and out
The people loved us without a doubt.
The sights we saw, the sounds, the smells –
Not all of them good – I have to tell!

The concert held on that balmy night,
The people who came – oh what a sight!
When we joined the choirs of other nations,
And dancers, the children – our Christian relations.

The “Jailbreak” shows where we gave so much
And the people knew they’d received God’s touch.
The girls school where we were all endeared –
To those lovely youngsters who clapped and cheered.

The memories are real, mostly good not bad,
That the trip is over, it makes us sad.
But the one to thank is our God and King –
Who led us to India, His praise to sing.

We welcome you now to our celebration
Of our God sent trip to the Indian nation.

By Jane Broome.

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